Monday, October 9, 2017

Step by Step Easy Basic settings of blogger


 In my previous blog i told how to sign up blogger so if you missed it  click here to sign up 
After doing so we have to create a title for our blog that must reflect what we are going to make if you are going to write on vehicles, nature, animals, news, entertainment, recipes, any DIY tutorials,  whatever your intentions you can write upon your interest, experience behalf or you want to share your personal stories whatever it would be you can write but you must keep in mind that there wouldn't be a mixture of many articles there must b individuality in your blogs so after making a Title of your blog you have to make address of your blog that also called blog URL

so make a small URL such as i want to make blogs on health so i make title "Homoeopathy and Health" and in address i write  ok i only write healhomoeo and the whole address make itself so you can also do this now i have to select theme there is number of theme but i select simple one so my home page would be like this 

as you can see the page url on the top bar in blue highlighting and there is nothing we post so this is empty but you can see About me in right side of page ok now we proceed to settings 


Click on settings then click on basic setting 

Basic Setting:

on clicking basic setting here a setting basic setting page open like that 
as you can see title name"Homoeopathy and health" now next is description click on edit option and now you can see this 

as you see this is my description of blog and i'm showing you where it displays 

it displays under the header of your blog here header is your title ok so you must be very careful while making description must keep in mind that it must not be morethan 500 characters, you can calculate number of characters of your description in MsWord for that;
  1. write down description of your blog then copy and paste it on ms word new sheet
  2. click on review 
  3. select the text 
  4. then press "word count" 
so that's you can count character numbers 
you can see characters with no space are 178
and characters with space are 204 so it's perfect.
now the third one is Privacy so 
  1. click on edit button 
  2. dialogue box appears asking you whether you want search engine like Google, Yahoo and other search engines find your blog so click on yes yes 

 under this there is a warning tab that ask if you have any custom domain 

What is a Custom Domain?

A Custom Domain, also known as a vanity URL, is a way to create branded links to Spectate resources including Custom Links, Forms, Landing Pages, Callouts, and Files, using a domain name owned by your organization.

For example, if my main website is, I could set a Custom Domain in Spectate like Going forward, all links to Spectate objects would be reachable either at my custom domain or at the default
so we don't have custom domain right now so we are leaving this option.
now the next is HTTPS redirect with option yes or no before doing anything else you should know what is https.
HTTP stands for HyperText Transport Protocol, Which is just a fancy way of saying it’s a protocol (a language, in a manner of speaking) for information to be passed back and forth between web servers and clients. The important thing is the letter S which makes the difference between HTTP and HTTPS.
HTTPS is a secured connection it means that connection between your browser and website is secure and encrypted, every smart people only search https sites because they know that it is safe and on the other hand http is not safe, so we are leaving for it right now and select "NO" because we converting it in other step so we leave it.
next is Permission 

In Blog Authors you can see your email address with your name represent you as admin as this is your blog so you are the admin of it of course, but when your blog grow popular then you'll need to add authors 

In Blog Readers you have to select your readers whether you want your blog publicly, private etc here we click on "public" and click on "save changes".
Now you have complete your basic settings you can view your blog how it appears so that's it your blog will look like that now 

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