Sunday, October 8, 2017

What is blogger? Introduction of blogger

What is Blog? 

 Before knowing blogger first of all you should know what is blog itself because for a totally new one should know that so blog is a content or a type of conversation, word  "blog" came from a word web log alright so you can write any content upon your interest, your field, experience, teaching and much more you can understand it as an online diary where anyone can freely write and share their ideas to world and this is just like online journalism.

 Blogging is an act of content writing, there are many sites from where you can start blogging like
Weebly software is free, but you’ll need to buy a domain name (about $14.99/year) and hosting (usually starting from $7.99/month). However, WPBeginner users can get started for only $2.75 per month with Bluehost, an official WordPress recommended hosting provider. They are offering our users 60% off on hosting and a FREE domain name, so like this you should have to buy a domain for starting a blog.

Now you are thinking i don't have any domain but don't worry here is a solution of your problem, if you don't have any domain or you can't purchase it right now but wants to blogging as well, so you can follow your passion through Blogger.

What is Blogger ?   

Blogger is a free blogging site, it provide their users many facilities including free hosting, you can easily understand this in a more easy way that it is a free blog hosting service, it is more easy to use than any other blogging site and for this you don't need any domain.

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